Diar Derozen shows a New way to Win Games

NBC Los Angeles

The new way to win games is apparently yelling. During the course of the eastern conference play-in game between the Raptors and the Bulls the daughter of Demar Derozan, Diar Derozan began yelling whenever the players on the Raptors were at the free-throw line. Diar would put up an amazing stat line of 36 screams from the sideline to help distract the opposing team’s players. This strategy of hers surprisingly seemed to have worked as the Raptors would go on to miss 18 free throws throughout the game.

Diar may have inadvertently shown us just now the best method to throw an opposing team off, by simply having someone on the sideline yelling. I guess maybe being the child of an NBA player is a requirement, so they don’t get kicked out.


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