The Yankees are the biggest cry baby hypocrites in the MLB:

In an interview on Wednesday Yankees GM, Brian Cashman, commented on how the Yankees have not won a World Series since 2009. 

"The only thing that stopped [the 2017 Yankees] was something that was so illegal and horrific," Cashman told The Athletic. "So I get offended when I start hearing we haven't been to the World Series since '09. Because I'm like, 'Well, I think we actually did it the right way.' Pulled it down, brought it back up. Drafted well, traded well, developed well, signed well. The only thing that derailed us was a cheating circumstance that threw us off."

Here's the thing about these comments, they are so off base and are just a massive cop out. I mean can anyone even imagine George Steinbrenner making these comments? Blaming not winning a world series in over ten years because of one single year, seems like a reach to me. Another problem with Brian Cashman’s comments is the fact that Cashman believes that he has done a good job drafting and signing players. Here’s just a few of Cashman’s mistakes:

Top left: Gary Sanchez, Top Middle: Luis Severino, Top Right: J.A. Happ, Bottom Left: Jacoby Ellsbury, Bottom Right: Brian Cashman (Images via Getty Images)

  • Signed Jacoby Ellsbury to 7-year $153 million contract (only played with the Yankees for 4 years)

  • Signed Aaron Hicks to a 7-year $70 million contract (Has missed the majority of the last three seasons and has a career .233 average)

  • Signed J.A. Happ to a 2-year $34 million contract (Got lit up by the Red Sox in 2018 postseason and posted a 4.13 ERA in his Yankees career)

  • Gary Sanchez was a flop after he broke into the league his rookie year

  • Extending Luis Severino to a 4-year $40 million contract (Has pitched 18 innings since 2019.)

  • No real pitching prospect has panned out for the Yankees since 2009

You get the point, there are plenty of other bad contracts that I can point out that Cashman has handed out during the Yankees drought. The Yankees have also not developed as well as Cashman said that they have. the point is Cashman is flat out just lying to himself and the fans. The reason that the Yankees haven’t won anything since 2009 isn’t because of the Astros cheating scandal. 

Speaking of cheating, the Yankees are fighting incredibly hard for a sealed document to be kept sealed after a judge has ruled for the document to be released to the public. The document in question is a letter sent by the MLB offices regarding the Yankees stealing signs, during the whole Astros cheating scandal by the way. Now the Yankees defense as to why they are in court fighting over this letter: 

“One must wonder if both the district court and this Court’s decisions would be different if the subject was a less famous party than the New York Yankees,” the team wrote in the filing. “Would it be less likely that such a document would be released? We think maybe so.”

I mean Jesus Christ, can you be so naive? Your excuse as to why this letter needs to stay covered is that you’re being targeted because you are the Yankees, give me a break. This letter has to be a big deal and that is why Cashman and the Yankees want this letter to be kept sealed. 

The Yankees need to stop crying and being hypocritical as they know that they were also cheating during that same time. Personally, I can’t wait for this letter to come out so the Yankees look like the biggest clown show in the league and people stick it to them for crying about this for the longest time. Just because you lost to the Astros in the ALCS in 2017 doesn’t mean you would have won the whole thing Brian Cashman, you weren’t the only team affected by the scandal. It's been 5 years now, grow up and stop sulking over 2017 it’s 2022. I think it's time the Yankees stop living in the past and move on. 


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