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NFL Suspends Jaguars Left Tackle Cam Robinson Four Games

Photo via Gary McCullough / Associated Press

Jacksonville, Florida (PSF) - The NFL has suspended Jacksonville Jaguars left tackle Cam Robinson for four games due to a violation of the NFL’s performance-enhancing drug (PED) policy.

This suspension will not restrict Robinson from participating in training camp or preseason and the team will be able to add him back to the active roster on Oct. 2, 2023.

Robinson will lose an estimated three and a half million dollars over the course of the suspension, and it voids his guaranteed base salary of 16 million dollars in 2023.

Robinson’s suspension could greatly affect how well of a start the Jaguars have in the beginning of the season.

Trevor Lawrence will be losing his blind side blocker against teams that have young upcoming pass rushers like the Kansas City Chiefs, Indianapolis Colts, and Houston Texans being on their schedule in the first four weeks.

To replace Robinson, the Jaguars plan to move third-year tackle Walker Little over from his left guard spot.