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Lamar Jackson is ready to move on after signing the historic contract.


Orlando, Florida (PSF)-Baltimore Ravens star quarterback Lamar Jackson has agreed to a five-year, $260 million dollar contract last Thursday (3/27), which made him the highest-paid player in NFL history. This deal has been in conversation since Jackson's contract was reaching an end and the higher-ups from the team had decided to pull everything that they had so they could keep the star player for an extended period.

Jackson said that last week a bunch of teams tried to contact him and make negotiations with him, however, the player had made it perfectly clear that he didn’t intend to leave Baltimore. He stated that he didn’t care for the other teams and what they are offering. It’s impressive when a player shows restraint and is perfectly satisfied with staying put with the team.

One good point of this whole deal is that Jackson stated that he wanted to wait for the right time to do the deal with Ravens and sign the contract. He had to wait for the right moment so the contract could be done, and the right amount was to be given to him. Jackson approached this situation as a businessman and not a player. The 26-year-old has also stated to have been in contact with the Raven’s head coach and CEO.

With this deal Lamar Jackson is not just any quarterback anymore, he is now the highest-paid Quarterback in league history. This achievement is something that you don’t accomplish by doing an okay job. Upon seeing him playing and running on the field, you can definitely tell that the Baltimore Ravens will have a star for the future.