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Desmond Williams Is Targeted After De-commitment From Ole Miss

Oxford, Mississippi (PSF) - Desmond Williams, a four-star QB from Arizona, de-committed from the University of Mississippi and is now considering UCLA among other schools. While it’s always a challenge to sway a player away from their home state college, it seems that UCLA has caught Williams’ attention.

Being mentioned by a 24/7 Sports columnist as a contender for Williams is certainly a positive sign for UCLA. It indicates that they have made an impression on him and are in the running for his commitment. However, it’s important to remember that recruiting is a dynamic process, and there are no guarantees until the player actually signs with a school and starts playing for them.

It will be interesting to see how the recruitment of Desmond Williams unfolds and which factors will ultimately influence his decision. UCLA will likely continue to put in effort to showcase their program and attract Williams to their campus. Fans will have to stay tuned to see where he ultimately chooses to play college football.