Cade Cunningham weighing his options to deal with shin injury

(Photo via AP, Carlos Osorio)

Pistons star Cade Cunningham has been out since the beginning of November as he has dealt with a nagging shin injury. However, as we approach Christmas time, Cunningham and the Pistons have to decide the best for his long-term health.


The two options for dealing with this injury are to rest for an extended period like he has been doing and see if the injury heals naturally or to get surgery to correct the issue, which would more than likely end his season.


It would appear that Cunningham and the Pistons have tried to see if the injury will heal on its own, for now anyway, as it is just about a month removed since the last time we saw him on the floor, November 9 in Boston. So whatever it takes to get Cunningham back to full strength is what needs to be done.


Hopefully, he can heal naturally, but if surgery is the best decision for his long-term health, then they need to make the right call here.


The Pistons were struggling with Cunningham in the lineup. They will most likely continue to struggle without their best player, despite him averaging 19.9 points, 6.2 rebounds, and six assists a game in his second season.


Suppose surgery ends up being on the table for the former top overall pick. The sooner, the better, so that Cunningham can rehabilitate as soon as possible to try and be ready for next season.


Whatever the next step is for Cunningham, Pistons fans can not wait to see their star back on the floor.


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