the Super league

2018 Golden State Warriors

In this era of the NBA “super teams” have become the norm in NBA. There have been multiple debates of who started this trend where superstars leave their teams to team up with other superstars to compete with a championship, but the hard truth is this super team era of basketball looks like it is here to stay. Teams and players have now learned to adapt to this style of basketball to be able to compete for a ring. Well, some players have.

This era of super teams has led to plenty of criticism from previous NBA players as well as some current players also. 11-time all-star Charles Barkley is one of those past NBA players that has taken the opportunity to speak on the current state of the NBA. Barkley stated that he does not support super teams that he hopes they will fail…

I’m not a fan of superteams…I’m rooting against those guys. I root against all superteams.”


But he isn’t the only person who has vocalized their opinions about the current state of the NBA. After winning Championship last season 2x MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo took a shot at super teams in the league saying…

"I could've gone to a super team. I did it the hard way."

- Antetokounmpo

Although these super teams have been criticized it hasn’t stopped players from joining and creating these super teams players have begun to make decisions that they feel best suit their careers and in a league where players careers are judged players off their accolades, it is only right that these players have made winning championships their number one priority.

The NBA has more talent now than it ever has. As the league continues to grow the number of super teams may tend to grow the same. Some players may decide to stay loyal to their organizations some players may stay loyal to themselves. Although being loyal may speak volumes about your character it may prevent you from reaching your full potential as a player. In this era of basketball, most teams have at least 2-3 all-stars on their team for players to compete they need to put themselves in a position to win. We have seen on multiple occasions how a player can be loyal to an organization and the same organization gets rid of them because what they feel like is best for them players should start making the same decisions.


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