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Social Media - A Catalyst for Draymond Green Beef

Photo Credit: Sports Illustrated

Draymond Green is no stranger to conflict. The four-time world champion is notorious for provocative trash-talking with opposing players, officials, and even his teammates. His former teammate, Kevin Durant, is a testament to this. Although the duo won two championships together in Golden State, Durant revealed that Green’s overbearing ego contributed to his decision to leave the team. Recently, history has proven to repeat itself.

Jordan Poole was traded from the team this offseason after his estrangement with Draymond. The hostility between the two was precipitated by a scuffle between Poole and Draymond during a practice last season, in which Draymond infamously punched Poole in the face. Green shared in his podcast that the incident was not a spontaneous reaction but rather a culmination of tension with Poole that had been formed over time. However, Jordan Poole’s father did not mince words in his response to this on Twitter. He accused Draymond of lying, called him “soft,” and challenged him to meet him “anytime.” I would not advise Poole’s father to physically confront the imposing figure of Draymond Green, yet I admire his defense of his son.

The truth behind the situation will likely remain ambiguous. However, Draymond might want to take a good hard look in the mirror and reform his role as a teammate.