NBA Top Shot. An introduction to investing in the NBA.

Hey guys im Jimbo_M2G. Top Shot streamer, NFT expert, and self proclaimed buffoon. Hope you enjoy the article. If you want to know who I am, and how TopShot saved my life, here’s some background on the man behind Jimbo, also known as James.

NBA Top Shot. The only marketplace where NBA Fans, and investors can take a piece of NBA history and own it as a collectible, potentially worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The creators are hailing it as the future of fandom. Below is one of the moments I own, a Luka Doncic playoff highlight that I got from a pack released by topshot, for 14 dollars. It is worth 60 dollars, and there were 5 more moments in the pack.

Luka Doncic Playoff Edition moment. Valued at 60$. Opened from a 14$ pack.

Luka Doncic Playoff Edition moment. Valued at 60$. Opened from a 14$ pack.

In real life trying to explain what NBA Top Shot is, I am usually met with skepticism as best, laughing at worst. In short. Imagine pokemon cards, but with live highlights of basketball moments, and investment strategy built into a crypto based marketplace where buffoons like me have made thousands of dollars off basketball knowledge, and investment strategies.

NBA Top Shot is a fully licensed, partnered product between the NBA, the NBPA, and Dapper Labs, a company paving the path to connecting crypto and collectibles. You go onto NBA Top Shot, a virtual marketplace, and buy highlights of your favorite players. It is as simple as that. If I can do it, an idiot, you can do it too.

Going onto NBATopShot for the first time, any new user can experience the best part of Top Shot. Ripping packs. With new users having the opportunity to purchase two packs easily, with guaranteed positive returns. I’ve opened 9 dollar packs with cards worth 900 dollars in them. I’ve open 149$ packs with 200$ dollars worth of moments in them. I have never opened a pack with negative return. After your first two packs, the rest of the normally released packs are much harder to get. NBA Top Shot uses a lottery based system to secure some of the rarest pack drops on the platform.. The community is tightnit, and I have made friends across the world. We all love basketball, and we all love ripping packs.

All moments on TopShot are released through packs, so the best way to get into topshot is to go sign up and secure your two intro packs and start owning NBA history!

Next week I will be going into depth on how NBA Top Shot will enhance fans experience and truly take fandom to the next level in real life, outside of the marketplace and in the stadiums. They already have brought NBA Top Shot fans to Summer league and to the 2021 Draft just because they owned moments. Don’t miss out.

Where to reach me for more questions:

NBA Top Shot Relevnt Vibe




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