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Is Team LeBron guaranteed to win?


As we all know, LeBron James is the leader for his conference in votes for the All-Star selection and is once again being made captain of his team. As it stands, James' All-Star teams with him as captain selecting the roster have never lost (5-0). So if history indicates anything to us, the odds should be in his favor.

To make matters worse, the few times Giannis Antetokoumpo has been captain against James so far have yet to show he's as good as Bron is at picking a team. I remember watching this back in 2020. Then, Antetokoumpo leaned more toward picking players he was cool with rather than choosing the most cohesive group to work with.

Clearly, Antetokoumpo was here to have fun, and James was here to win. So if I had to pick, my money is on Team LeBron to get their sixth victory since the addition of the captain and draft system to the All-Star game.