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Does a Joel Embiid Trade Work for the Knicks?

Former MVP Joel Embiid is on the teeter for asking for a trade from the 76ers. The likelihood of the 76ers getting a high caliber for James Harden is zero to none. In trading for Harden, the other teams need to feel like they have a steal, and Daryl Morrey needs to realize this because Harden is simply not the player he used to be. It’s not the way Harden plays that makes him so unattractive, it’s his attitude off-court. A couple of years ago, when Harden was in Houston, he was one of the first NBA players to average 30 plus points per game (PPG). However, he was getting nowhere because of how Houston was building around him. They kept falling short, and there was a time when Harden alone almost beat The Golden State Warriors in their prime era. However, the Warriors came back in their highly debated game seven.

If Harden leaves this year via trade and there’s no real trade avenue to get a player of his caliber, I think the process finally ends. The process can finally make his way to New York and actually get something done besides only getting to the second round of the playoffs. Before anyone has any outlandish remarks about the Knicks, let me remind you that they went on a 9-0 win streak at the end of the season while just getting Josh Hart, who has boosted the defense. Also, this is Jalen Brunson's first year with this Knicks squad, imagine what he can do in New York by just staying there and helping these young guys find their way. There’s also RJ Barrett, who put on an amazing performance during the playoffs this past year, and hopefully this could be a stepping stone before he starts digressing. They also need to trade Evan Fourier as soon as possible.

I didn’t mention Julius Randle or Mitchell Robinson in the previous paragraph because of a trade I personally cooked up between the 76ers and Knicks. Look, I like Randle, there’s no doubt in my mind that Randle is an all-star, but, Randle and Embiid together would not work. They are both slow, defending big men whose strengths rely on them being on the ball. I can’t see Embiid and Randle together and actually see them as successful. Also, the Knicks would most likely have to trade RJ Barrett in his place, and I’m really not a fan of trading any young talent


Final Thoughts

I like this trade, and if I’m the Knicks and I’m doing it. You are getting a former MVP from only two years prior ( I think this trade happens at the start of next season), and I think the pairing with Brunson, a healthy guard you can rely on to get you everything, and a third scoring option in Barrett that could get you 20 PPG on any given night is a solid investment. But if I’m the Knicks, I’m wary about this trade because it gets in the way of the Knicks getting Donovan Mitchell in free agency. Also, like I said previously, I like Julius Randle, he can still give the Knicks 25 PPG and 10 rebounds per game (RPG) a night. That’s a hot commodity for any team, and to get Mitchell on a team where he’s the first option among four other good options is a recipe for a championship.