5 NBA Teams James Harden Could Join in a 2023 Trade

Bruce Kluckhohn-USA TODAY Sports

As the NBA offseason heats up, trade rumors have taken center stage, with James Harden as one of the most prominent names in the mix. While his current team, the Philadelphia 76ers, is a strong candidate, several other teams have surfaced as viable destinations for the talented guard. Here are five NBA teams that James Harden could join if he is moved in 2023.

1. Philadelphia 76ers: Despite trade rumors, the 76ers remain a heavy favorite to keep Harden. While sources say that Harden is open to exploring other choices, Philadelphia is aggressively looking for ways to improve their squad to increase their chances of winning the championship. The 76ers' strong position is mirrored in the betting odds, which show them as a genuine candidate for Harden's services. The team's dedication to strengthening its supporting cast and championship ambitions make them a strong candidate to retain Harden.

2. Los Angeles Clippers: The Clippers have emerged as another possible landing point for Harden. Despite worries about the team's load and cohesion, a trade featuring Harden has been discussed between the Clippers and the 76ers. The Clippers' desire to add a star player meshes with their desire to enhance their squad and make a strong playoff run. The arrival of Harden might provide the Clippers with the offensive firepower and playmaking abilities they need to compete for an NBA title.

3. New York Knicks: The Knicks have been regarded as a team that should actively explore a trade for Harden. While they may be considered a dark horse in this scenario, the Knicks' possible interest in Harden demonstrates their desire to make substantial changes to improve their competitive situation. A trade for a player of Harden's quality might offer a much-needed boost to the Knicks' roster and make them a more formidable force in the Eastern Conference.

4. Miami Heat: The Heat have expressed interest in Harden, particularly in the context of prospective deals. While the terms of a deal are unknown, the Heat's pursuit of elite players implies that they see Harden as a player who can help them win a championship. Harden's scoring ability and playmaking abilities could bolster the Heat's current core and help them compete at the top level.

5. Chicago Bulls: The Bulls have become a potential trading partner for Harden. Although the Clippers have received most of the attention, the Bulls' presence in trade conversations demonstrates their ambition to make ambitious moves and develop a competitive team. The dynamics of the squad may evolve and they could become more competitive in the Eastern Conference if Harden moves to Chicago.

James Harden's future is still an intriguing and speculative topic as the NBA summer progresses. While the 76ers are in a good position to keep him, several teams, including the Clippers, Knicks, Heat, and Bulls, could perhaps make a play for a deal including the former MVP. To strengthen their rosters and improve their chances of competing for the NBA title, each club is vying for Harden. Fans and observers will be intently monitoring trade discussions as they progress and the landscape changes to determine where Harden finally ends up and how his presence may change the dynamics of his new team.

Avikshith Janardhan

UMass Amherst class of ‘25

Sport Management major



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