F1 Movie Continues Filming Despite the Hollywood Strike
During the 2023 Silverstone Grand Prix, filming commenced for Apple TV's untitled Formula 1 movie, starring Brad Pitt. The story centers around the story of an older driver who emerges from retirement to mentor and become a teammate to a younger driver. During the Silverstone Grand Prix, a modified Formula 2 car, made to resemble a Formula 1 car, joined the rest of the racers for the formation lap. The faux team “Apex” is set to make its appearance on the grid again this weekend in Hungary.
Throughout the week, incorrect reports have been published claiming the end of filming until the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild Strike ends. Brad Pitt is staying in solidarity with the members of the Guild leaving the filming to be driving shots only. We are expecting to see pitstops and grid activity from “Apex” over the race weekend.
In addition to Brad Pitt being the star of the show, Formula 1’s very own Toto Wolff and Lewis Hamilton are executive producers of the movie. Together, the duo is creating an authentic look into Formula 1, that has not been seen before.