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Even at 57-Years-Old, Mike Tyson is Still Terrifying

(via WFAA)

In the second press conference promoting the upcoming boxing match between Mike Tyson, and Jake Paul, Tyson pulled no punches when responding to reporters.

In two straight questions asked, Tyson’s responses showed that the fire he had inside him in his professional boxing career has remained lit. Despite the 31 year age gap between the two fighters, Tyson has expressed his willingness to make this bout professional, and to effect his all time record however the fight may go.

There have been several journalists that have been critical of this matchup being made, and believe that Tyson is stooping down to the level of a fighter that is for all intents and purposes, armature. However expressing this sentiment to Tyson did not go well for Meredith Yeomans, a reporter for Fort Worth’s NBC affiliate KXAS, as well as Jacob Detamore, a reporter for The Ticket in Dallas.

Yeomans asked Tyson what his response to critics who are upset about this fight even happening. The response he provided would send chills down the spine of anyone holding the microphone in this instance.

“Well I don’t see too many people that are critical about it,” Tyson said. Look at this (gestures to the crowd) … Tell me, name somebody. You? (gestures to Yeomans).”

In the very next question asked by Detamore, Tyson’s response likely made Detamore question his own safety in the crowd, despite being over a dozen feet away from the former heavyweight champion. Detamore inquired that if Paul was looking to establish himself as a legitimate professional boxer, why was he taking a gimmick fights like his one with Tyson. Paul’s response did absolutely no favors.

“I think he just called Mike Tyson a gimmick?”

Tyson then ferociously responded.

“What did you just call me again, sir?” Tyson barked. “What did you just call me?”

These two responses alone are enough to put the fear of God in any man, even if they were not at the press conference in the first place. This serves as proof that Tyson is coming into this fight with every intention of beating celebrity boxing’s biggest star. As the fight draws closer, it will be interesting to see if Tyson’s killer mentality will continue to show itself in their press conferences.