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Opinion: The ghost runner extra inning rule is NOT a bad thing

After announcing that the extra inning rule would not be coming back earlier this offseason, Rob Manfred announced that it will in fact be coming back. I look at this as a positive thing for baseball. 

I believe that this is positive for the sport for two reasons: First this change benefits the players in the regular season by not burning them out over ridiculously long extra inning games over the course of the regular season. Second, I believe this is a good change for those of the crowd that “baseball is too long and boring”.  

To me this change works for the game because it benefits the players and the fans. The games that go extra innings will be more offensively charged causing them to end quicker, rather than waiting for teams to score runs normally and having the game drag on. Now don’t get me wrong I love the sport of baseball and extra innings, it's exciting. I don’t understand the uproar against this rule either, other sports change the rules of the game in the regular season too. One example being hockey with 3 on 3 overtime and if no one scores they go to a shootout. 

As long as the postseason product doesn’t change (which it hasn’t) this rule change is completely fine to me. Fans uproaring over this rule need to find a new hill to die on, it’s adapt or die and the MLB (for once) is choosing to adapt.