Gabe Kapler Protests the National Anthem in Response to Uvalde Shooting, Tony La Russa Disagrees:

In the wake of the Uvalde, Texas, shooting, which left 19 children and two adults dead, Gabe Kapler announced to reporters that he would no longer be participating in the National Anthem festivities before games. Kapler said, “I don't plan on coming out for the anthem going forward until I feel better about the direction of our country.”

As we have seen in the NFL in the past, teams and players have stayed in their respective locker rooms, simply to avoid controversy around protesting the anthem. Kapler is simply doing the same by staying in the club house for the anthem. While Kapler is protesting for some form of gun control versus when the NFL and NBA among other leagues were protesting police brutality and social injustice. 

Tony La Russa took to the media to address Kapler choosing to no longer take part in the Anthem festivities. La Russa said, “"I think he's exactly right to be concerned... With what's happening in our country, He's right there. Where I disagree is the flag and the anthem are not appropriate places to try to voice your objections."

La Russa explained his stance by saying it was disrespectful to former and current servicemen. La Russa said, "Some of their courage comes from what the flag means to them and when they hear the anthem," La Russa stated. "You need to understand what the veterans think when they hear the anthem or see the flag. And the cost they paid and their families. And if you truly understand that, I think it's impossible not to salute the flag and listen to the anthem."

La Russa’s stance on this subject matter is just wrong. First of all Kapler has the right to protest what he wants, when he wants, this is America. The point of Kaplers protest is not to protest the flag or servicemen or women. Kapler’s protest is about what those servicemen and women are supposed to be going overseas to fight for, our protection and freedoms. 

Kapler is completely right to protest during the Anthem, he is shining light on a real problem in this Country. Kapler is simply protesting for these terrorist attacks to stop happening on American soil. Our politicians need to figure this out, it shouldn’t take another horrific shooting for them to take action on this, Columbine, Sandy Hook and the various others should have been enough. Twenty-one innocent people were killed in America, by an American Terrorist, we should not be worrying about if this is “disrespectful to the flag or servicemen or women” we should be worrying about our politicians upholding what our flag stands for, so that people don’t have to protest.


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