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MLB, MLBPA Agree to new CBA

Finally, we have an agreement. The MLBPA and MLB have come to an agreement. As the sides negotiated through the MLB’s self imposed deadlines, it is being reported that no games will be lost and players will receive full pay for the season. It is truly ridiculous that it came down to this but, the important thing is the two sides came to an agreement. 

Props to the players for standing their ground and negotiating tough against the owners. The owners and Rob Manfred have looked horrible throughout this whole situation. Manfred and the owners looked like they were trying to kill the sport that all of us love. The owners had all off-season to negotiate in good faith with the players association but refused to do so until the last month of the off-season, and continued to show incompetence by immediately asking for a federal mediator instead of actually trying to negotiate. The owners truly tried to ruin the game of baseball this offseason and change needs to be made. 

Rob Manfred has to be fired, as he should have been after the handling of the Astros cheating scandal. Manfred has done nothing but hurt the game of baseball, the handling of the Astros cheating scandal was strike one for me with Manfred more punishment should have been handed out. Manfred’s Second strike was the 2020 pandemic season, the negotiations of that season took FOREVER leading to just a 60 game season. Now Manfred’s last strike should be the handling of these negotiations, he has shown complete and utter incompetence in running the league and he needs to be let go. 

Now that the wait is over, Spring training is set to begin, we can sleep easy tonight knowing one very important thing: baseball is back, beginning on time, and now let the free agent frenzy begin!